
How Will You Respond?

I'm guessing you have come to this page because you have a deeply compassionate heart and strong desire to do something, but are wondering, "How you can I make an impact when the needs are so overwhelming?" I’d like to help by suggesting five practical ways to make a difference among Muslim refugees:

1. Read “Engaging Islam” by Georges Houssney

Reading this book will inspire you to love Muslims and feel more comfortable approaching them. My father, Georges, has over 40 years of experience in fruitful ministry among Muslims, and a unique and refreshing perspective on Islam. He is deeply passionate about reaching Muslims with the gospel, and thousands who have read his book have caught this passion as well. This book reveals not only his boldness, faith, and knowledge, but also will encourage, inspire, and equip you to respond to the refugee crisis in practical ways. Call me biased, but I highly recommend it!

2. Bring a Group to the Legacy Conference

Get equipped to lead Muslims to salvation in Jesus Christ at the Legacy Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 23rd-24th, 2016. This conference promises to provide hope, understanding, and resources to leverage the Islamic global upheaval for an historic gathering of lost souls into Christ’s kingdom.

3. Sponsor a refugee child to attend “School of Hope”

Nearly 200,000 children who have been displaced from their homes in Syria have sought refuge with their families in Lebanon. You can provide an education, food, and shelter to a refugee child through The School of Hope in Beirut, Lebanon. Horizons’ School staff are deeply dedicated to ministering and bringing the gospel to these precious children and their families! For only $55 a month you can help more children attend this school, hear the gospel, and receive food.

4. Equip yourself to Lead Muslims to Christ

According to the UN refugee agency, the Syrian war has displaced more than 4 million people.
This is the biggest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation!
— António Guterres, the U.N.’s high commissioner for refugees.

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Engaging Islam Intensive Courses

There are thousands of refugees coming to America, Canada, Europe and elsewhere around the globe! They are looking for hope, and we must be equipped to share the great hope we have of salvation in Jesus Christ! Train with world-renowned experts at the Engaging Islam Intensives Course in Boulder or Beirut. During this two-week intensive course, attendees learn how to engage Muslims with the gospel, locally and globally. Passionate, experienced teachers and evangelists, from fruitful ministries teach how to be bold witnesses, using biblical strategies to lead Muslims to Christ and disciple them!

Engaging Islam 1-Week Intensive Course: Beirut, Lebanon, May 4th-14th, 2016

Engaging Islam 2-Week Intensive Course: Boulder, Colorado, July 11th-22nd, 2016

The Engage Course for Churches

Engage is a practical 10-week course that will transform your heart, so that you can transform your church or campus, by giving you the love, understanding, and confidence, to share the gospel with Muslims around you! God has placed the lost in the places where they can reach out and find Him (Acts 17:26-27), and He has chosen to place them near you!

5. Support Horizons’ Refugee Center in Beirut, Lebanon

Each month, over 600 refugees come through Horizons’ “Hope of the Nations” center in Beirut, where they receive aid and hear the gospel. Since 2013 we’ve seen over 850 Muslims proclaim faith in Christ, and are being discipled by our staff, interns, and volunteers. Many refugee families also come to the center to receive food. Every time they come to get their food portions, they are touched by the love of Christ, and witnessed to by volunteers, interns, and staff at the center. As a result, many of these families celebrated Christmas as new believers in Christ! When you sponsor a families' food portions, they continue to hear the gospel!



God is turning this crisis into one of the biggest opportunities the church has had to share the gospel with Muslims. Millions of Muslims are leaving Islam in their hearts but they don’t know where they are going. I’d like to encourage you to get involved with what God is doing among Muslims - your life will never be the same!

About the Author

Pierre Rashad Houssney is a Lebanese-American who grew up in the context of cross-cultural ministry among Muslims and international students. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado, and is fluent in English and Arabic.

He has been in full-time ministry with Horizons International since 2006, and has been an active member of Horizons’ teaching staff and curriculum development team since 2002. He played a lead role in the development and teaching of the Engaging Islam and Cubs to Lions training curricula, and co-edited Engaging Islam (Georges Houssney, Treeline Publishing, Boulder, CO, 2010). Pierre has traveled to over 30 countries, and his field experience in the Middle East began when he spent summers doing outreach in Lebanon as a teenager and spent a gap year during university doing music ministry in Beirut.

Pierre lives in Beirut, Lebanon, with his wife, Gigi, and their two children, where he leads a team of nationals and missionaries who run a center for evangelism and discipleship among Muslims. As a key part of Horizons' teaching staff, he trains Arab and Western Christians for effective ministry to Muslims, and is active in missiological advocacy among the global missions community. Pierre is a team player, and loves to see new leaders thrive and work together to glorify God. He is well-connected to Lebanese churches and those who minister to Muslims in the Middle East.

About Horizons International

Established in 1990, Horizons International exists to communicate and demonstrate the love of Jesus so that the world, particularly the Muslim world, would be transformed by God's love and forgiveness, by: Proclaiming the Gospel, Discipling the Nations, and Equipping the Church.